Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Be a part of our Marketing community at Open day on the 31th of August! If not now, when?

Whether you are preparing for the forthcoming Master of Marketing application session, or are scurrying off to find out more about which marketing course you want to apply for, or even if you have already accepted a position – The University of Sydney Open Day on 31th of August 2013 is a definitely must do for this weekend. Even though there is lots of pertinent information you can gain from the University of Sydney website or our social media, take up the chance to really soak up the atmosphere at Open Day.

By attending Open Day and really getting into the University environment you actually can learn much more about what you can expect from the Marketing course. As for me, Open Day was a great chance to get my numerous questions answered by Marketing teachers and current students. For sure, it’s certainly worth your time to casually chat with marketing community members and get their perception on what the Marketing Discipline at The University of Sydney is all about, and how it can benefit you.

I clearly remember the last year Open Day when I made my decision to be a Master of Marketing student. There was a lot of hustle and bustle at the event, with study seekers all eager to fulfill their questions. It may sound too instructive, but it helps to have done some research before the event. From my experience, it really helped me to formulate the exact points I wanted to discuss. Making the decision to go back to study can be a hard one, so Open Day is a great opportunity to understand how to make the transition.

For this year you will meet with Associate Professor Pennie Frow, Program Director of the Master of Marketing program at the University of Sydney Business School and many other representatives from the Marketing Discipline.

You can find us at the PostGraduate Expo. And of course, if you have any questions about Marketing Discipline, or just how we, as students, have found the course, please do not hesitate to ask a question.

Find out more on our marketing website.

Elena Sveshnikova
Current student in the Master of Marketing program at the University of Sydney Business School

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